
Treating Jaw Pain, Temporomandibular Disorders, & Headaches with Physical Therapy

It is estimated that approximately 10 million Americans suffer from jaw pain and about 75% have symptoms related to jaw dysfunction.   We have two TMJs (temporomandibular joints), which are the joints that connect the lower jaw (the mandible) to your skull. They are unique in the fact that they are the only pair of joints […]

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What is Dry Needling?

You may have heard your friends talk about going to physical therapy for something called “needling”.  While it doesn’t sound like a good thing, people talk about how it solved their shoulder pain, or maybe neck pain and headaches.  Maybe you haven’t heard about it, but if you have ongoing issues with an Achilles tendon,

What is Dry Needling? Read More »


Ready to Run?

With Spring weather arriving and days getting longer, possibly getting outside for a run has crossed your mind.  Maybe you’ve been out with a watch and pair of running shoes, or maybe you remembered the last time you tried to run and decided not to give it a try again this year.  Whether you are

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Finding the right exercise intensity to achieve your goals

Have you ever wondered what type of work-out you should be doing to burn the most calories and deplete fat stores? The answers lie in aerobic and anaerobic metabolic pathways needed to supply energy to working muscles during exercise.  Overall oxygen consumption during exercise, referred to as VO2, and metabolic processes that occur immediately following

Finding the right exercise intensity to achieve your goals Read More »


You’ve Heard of Tennis Elbow, but how about “Tennis Leg”?

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text] You’ve Heard of Tennis Elbow, but how about “Tennis Leg”? Everyone has heard of tennis elbow, but few people are familiar with a what is being termed “tennis leg”. Tennis leg is a strain, tear, or complete rupture of the gastrocnemius, which is the larger of the two muscles in the calf.

You’ve Heard of Tennis Elbow, but how about “Tennis Leg”? Read More »

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